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Change is transformation with an outcome. The response has a pattern.

ProsperAI was developed to understand and measure subjectivities in a social body and to condense them on different levels to be transformed into an objective measure.

During two decades, ProsperAI "swallowed" worldwide employee experience data and learned how to deal with various difficult topics such as expectations (the perspective) and sensitivities (the personality).

One of the conditions for such logic was privacy. Therefore, the approach of Prosper AI is to generalize. 85% of the data explains common social behavior, 15% can be considered as individual. Generalization means talking about the 85%.

In Prosperland, ProsperAI is mainly used to measure the impact of changes that affect the employee (or customer) experience, which has different impacts on different personalities with different perspectives. ProsperAI provides an objective measure and breaks it down into different groups of sensitivity patterns.

85% of the data explains common social behavior, 15% can be considered as individual. Generalization means talking about the 85%.Prosperland uses AI for generalization.

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Laborstraße 1

19322 Wittenberge


Tel: +4930-695-171-0

The Prosperland elements of thinking


Tipping Points

ProsperAI interprets the overall employee experience situation as a unit and identifies the tipping points that lead to different reactions.

Social Sensor Points

These points turn out to be the sensitive points that are crucial for ensuring that as many employees as possible experience a subjective improvement. They are therefore the measuring points. In ProsperAI they are called Social Sensor Points.

Social Benefit

As a result of any change that impacts the workday, ProsperAI measures a Social Benefit that takes into account expectations and sensitivities.


Change is a constant in our workday experience. The simple question is, does it change for the better? Does it improve the workday? Does it increase well-being? Does it provide opportunities and positive challenges? 

All of these questions influence social value. ProsperAI measures the resulting value and ensures that changes are not destructive.

Bogenschießen Ziel

Does Prosperland make you happy? No. The journey is the destination.

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